
Tiffany Oakley

I am the product of two parents with OCD – they each have their own ticks and when they made me, I inherited their combined ticks and even created some new ones. At times, I will poke fun at them for their extreme nerdery, but in the end, I embrace my OCD and appreciate how it helps me and keeps me organized in all aspects of my life.

Embracing OCD

Try going to the grocery store with my parents. They both worked in a grocery store in high school and that’s actually how they met. My mom was a cashier and my dad was a stock boy and bag boy. It was a match made in heaven. As a kid, I went to the grocery store with each of them – my mom has a specific way to put items in the grocery cart so they can be properly placed on the checkout counter and (hopefully) properly bagged. My dad will never pick the first item off the shelf – from his years in a grocery store, he knows the oldest items are placed in the front. So if my dad is buying a box of cereal, you’d better believe he’s digging to the back of the row to get the newest one.

Now take it all one step further – my mom created a shopping list that she prints out and hangs on the fridge. This list shows each of the different aisles in her local grocery store along with a few examples of items that appear in each aisle. With a little bit of training, we all learned to place the items we wanted from the grocery store in the appropriate aisle block so she could get through the grocery store as quickly as possible – knowing exactly what she needed from each aisle. So what initially seems completely over-the-top OCD, now makes a little bit of sense, doesn’t it?

What does it all mean?

It means that the OCD part of me was always drawn to math and science, yet I had a creative side that just needed a little time in the spotlight. So I brought those two worlds together with marketing and now apply my creative skills with OCD perfectionism for graphic design. Thus, OCD Designs was born.

I’m a Thirty-One girl at heart. Not because I ever imagined myself doing direct sales, but because I love bags, purses and home organization. My motto is “There is a Thirty-One product for everything and every outing, event and space has a perfect Thirty-One solution!” When I found out that I could get all of the Thirty-One products I wanted for free and even make money to boot, I had to admit that I drank the Kool-Aid.

SO What’s In It For YOU?

Since joining the direct sales industry, I’ve found some amazing friends that represent other direct sales companies. When they found out that I was a marketing and design nerd, they asked me for help. With this, I’ve learned so much about the direct sales industry overall and each of these companies individually.

I love working with small businesses and helping my direct sales sisters to grow their business and achieve their dreams.